Car & Bike Run with Motor Club
Car & Bike Run with Motor Club 10am
Please note that Club runs, meeting places and times will be as on our events calendar. The run may be changed due to circumstances out of our control, but an alternative route will be organized and the run will still take place.
Please telephone a committee member to check details prior to a run or look at this web site. The committee endeavour to keep members up to date with events on club nights, any changes to the calendar of events will also be shown on this web site.
Car & Bike Run with Motor Club 10am
Christmas Party Night...7:00 for 7:30 Christmas Party Night at The Wainstones ,Menu attached Mandy would like £5.00 per person deposit and menu choices on/by club night 19 September Bookings for overnight rooms should be direct with the Wainstones
News from Geoff After the recent government advice and discussions with Reg we have decided to cancel the Sunday lunch run on March 29th. Hopefully it can be rearranged when this virus is over Thanks Geoff Cancelled. Lunch with Reg & Babs. Please meet at the Motor club for 10:45 Can you let Reg […]
Durham centre Invitation to Eden Camp. Meet at Strikes 10am
Durham Centre Invitation to Durham Botanic Gardens 10am-4pm
This year Tees valley MG Owners Club is hosting another fantastic run through some of the most beautiful scenery you can find. There will be the usual winding roads, narrow bridges and steep hills to negotiate which have become the trademarks of this annual run. Start from Middlesbrough Motor club meet from 9.15 onwards. First […]
Nineteen Bridges run from 10am
Himalayan Gardens & Sculpture with Geoff & Kath
Put Them To Bed Run with Motor Club 10am
POSTPONEMENT Derek & Pat are organising a get together it was going to be on Thursday 24th June at Stewarts Park to meet for 7.30pm, it will now be Thursday 1st July 7:30pm, they will be bringing ice creams to tempt everyone. It will be an informal evening when members can either go for a […]
Geoff needs to know numbers please email him if you intend to go. Our Regular warm weather event. Run to Flaxton Farm with BBQ. Sunday 25th July for the BBQ at Flaxton Farm near York (same venue as last year), the cost has been increased to £15 but the good news is the club will subsidise […]
Application to be returned to Geoff Brown . If there is enough interest a club stand will be arranged.
Run to Thorpe Perrow Aberetum organised by Reg & Babs. The cafe is not open but there is teas and snacks available to eat outside. Reg is hoping to get bulk discount. Meet at the Motor cub for 10:00 am. Reg's email Have just confirmed booking at Thorpe Perrow for 19th .for approx 20. Group […]
Message from Reg Durham MG club have their Autumn Foliage run on 3rd Oct culminating in a carvery lunch at The Derwent Manor Hotel (very good meal ) The run starts from Bowburn Services, car park. Jctn 61 A1M. Meet up for 10.00. If you wish to join then please give me ( Reg ) […]
Northallerton Quiz, 19.30 pm at Romanby Golf Club. Northallerton have set the date for theirs as Nov 3rd at their club at Romanby Golf Club. They lay on an extremely good buffet and we try to take along a few raffle prizes for the night. In past years we have managed to raise a good attendance, […]
Club Night Meet 8pm
Annual Fish and chip run to Whitby. Meet 11:00 Birk Brow Car park
Vacant and awaiting a suggestion/volunteer
Meet at the Motor Club 11:00
AGM Items for the agenda please give to any committee member.
Here's a link to the event 25th Ripon Clubs & Classics Motor Show - Great British Motor Shows
Cafe or picnic With Geoff & Kath Brown
Here's a link to the event Stokesley Classics on Show 2023 - Car Scene International
Here's a link to the event Historic Vehicle Rally 2023 50th Anniversary - Newby Hall
Beamish with Northumberland and Durham £10 per car includes entries to the museum
Here's a link to the event Ingleby Villages Classic Car Show | North Yorkshire | August 2023 (
Meet at Middlesbrough Car club 10:00am Reg & Babs
Meet at the Motor Club for 10:30sm - Stuart & Pixie
Bring a picnic
The volunteers who run it have kindly agreed to open especially for us and for £10.00 per person will give us a guided tour a cuppa and a cake. There is a picnic area and a pub for lunch nearby. There will also be a stop at roots for breakfast. Meet at 10:00 […]
Reg is planning a lunch run and he needs numbers by the beginning of October, he has provisionally booked for 16 for 12:00 noon. there are 2 sittings and we are requested to leave by 2:30. Please let Geoff or Reg know if you are comining. Costs for lunch 1 course £16.50 2 course £22.50 […]
First of the year !Reminder subs are due!
A Change of Plan for Sunday. Reg has offered a run through the Esk valley to Whitby. He would like us to meet at STRIKES in Stokesley at 10:30am.
Reg has planned a run. Destination will bring us to floods of snowdrops. 400th Anniversary. 6p Only entry. Kiplin Hall | Historic House, Gardens & Tea Room North Yorkshire
Middlesbrough Motor club.
Exhibition by Hartlepool Art Club showing Hartlepools scenery, industry past and present plus cafe and shop