Christmas Club night at Middlesbrough Golf Club
Middlesbrough Golf Club Ladgate Lane, Middlesbrough , United KingdomChristmas Club night at Middlesbrough Golf Club 8pm. Pie and Pea supper and in house entertainment.
Please note that Club runs, meeting places and times will be as on our events calendar. The run may be changed due to circumstances out of our control, but an alternative route will be organized and the run will still take place.
Please telephone a committee member to check details prior to a run or look at this web site. The committee endeavour to keep members up to date with events on club nights, any changes to the calendar of events will also be shown on this web site.
Christmas Club night at Middlesbrough Golf Club 8pm. Pie and Pea supper and in house entertainment.
Club night Middlesbrough Golf Club 8pm.
Whitby Fish and Chip run. A cold but sunny day. Pictures courtesy of Stan.
Featuring "Adventures in Cuba" by Geoff
.. Looks like we may need a bigger room if everyone turns up at club night, the influx of new members on Friday was brilliant and most of them turned out for the run on Sunday. Every one turned up early and very keen to see all the daffodils. There were twelve cars at […]
..with an introduction to the new website and club Facebook.
Fire Engine & Historic Vehicle Rally. Meeting time to be announced. . Numbers are limited to 8 cars so its first come first served. However, we'll also have the gazebo so anybody over and above the 8 can meet up there. It's free entry and Mandy will need each car registration and model. However, […]
Flaxton Farm near York at a local farm an indoor barn may be available in bad weather. Total cost £10 per person to include food tea and coffee. "Booking" is essential with £5 per person deposit as early as possible, no later than May club night. Veggie inquiries out, but no response yet. With thanks […]
There will be a short run out to pick up a lemon top at REDCAR starting and finishing at the Golf club, meet at 7pm with expected return approximately 8:30 ish, Thanks to Derek for a route.
...just a reminder for members, please bring donations for the TV trail hamper. Mandy
Due to committee commitments this is not an organised run
Run planned by Owen, lead by Ian. Meet at Yarm Station 10:00 evening of Trivial Pursuit.
Swainby Classic Car & Bike Show from 10.30am. Our Club will have a stand with gazebo so everyone is welcome to join us on the day. Those wishing to arrive together meet at Strikes Garden Centre, Stokesley at 10am. There is no entry charge but it is expected that entrants will visit the raffle and […]
*** Now cancelled ***
Club night from 8pm with hopefully a presentation on Owen’s & Pam’s around Britain journey in Numbum, this is subject to confirmation on their return.
Club run to the Jolly Sailor Inn. Meet at Birk Brow at 10am for a run with coffee stop followed by lunch booked for 2pm. Traditional Sunday lunch prices from £5.50 to £9.45. Please give Mandy names and a deposit of £5 per person asap.
..with a Beetle drive from Kath Brown or..... ... a presentation on Beekeeping..
Christmas Lunch at the Village Inn at Brompton. ***short run meet at Yarm station 12 noon*** or Get there for 1:00pm for 1:30pm sit down, pull crackers!! Mandy will need menu choices/deposits up to and including November club night. CHRISTMAS FAYRE LUNCH MENU STARTERS Onion & Parmesan Soup, Served with Thyme Bread Ham Hock & […]
Nibbles n things supplied
Dinner and disco........ Menu is here selections to Mandy please.
Durham Tees Valley Airport Sky Live. Attached is an entry form, please complete and return to Geoff by April 20th the AGM so I can send them in together for our Club Stand
Northern National at Pately bridge
Christmas Party at the Wainstones. 7:00pm for 7:30 meal Please see the flyer attached, stay for the meal, or make a night of it and have Breakfast the next day. A deposit of £5 per person needed before or during September club. Mandy proposes to collect the remaining £20pp as we get into the Wainstones […]
RICHMOND Cancelled The club intends to join in The Classic Car and Bike Show event at the Motorclub car club. Application forms and details see their website
Supported by Durham Autoclub.
Car & Bike Run with Motor Club 10am
Christmas Party Night...7:00 for 7:30 Christmas Party Night at The Wainstones ,Menu attached Mandy would like £5.00 per person deposit and menu choices on/by club night 19 September Bookings for overnight rooms should be direct with the Wainstones