1.      Welcome to this year’s AGM. We seem to be up and running and back to normal after a difficult couple of years with covid. Functions have been well attended with the Trail raising £1200 for Cancer UK. Membership is reduced since covid with some leaving and some new joining, the current total is 19 cars which equates to approx. 38 people. The Motor Club has continued to make us very welcome and as always are keen for us to use their facilities for events and runs.

2.      On a sad note we lost two of our long serving members Bill Marchant and former chairman John Barton who passed away after a long battle with cancer. John contributed a lot over the years as chairman and organiser of runs and social events, both will be sorely missed.

3.      All the present committee members have said they are willing to continue in post and there have been no nominations for additional committee members so the committee for the next year is Geoff Brown – Secretary, Stuart Humphries – Treasurer, Lloyd Oxley, Graeme Scurrah and Michelle Scurrah .

4.      From next year it is proposed to increase the membership subs to £20 per car, this is done reluctantly but as member numbers are down and the cost of the food throughout the year has increased we feel it is necessary for the increase.

5.       Stuart Humphreys gave us his financial report showing a current balance £770.48. Main expenses were £125 for last year’s AGM food, £231 for the Northallerton Quiz, £160 for the Christmas food and £90 for a new events shelter. Certainly an excellent return for your annual subscription.

6.      This Sunday we have Drive It Day with Teesside Yesteryear Club meeting at Stokesley car park for 10am for a run and visit to the NY 500 café and museum between Malton and Pickering

7.      Reg & Babs would like definite names for the mid – week break to Gargrave/Skipton from 19th to 24th June by next week, please let them know asap as the rooms must be booked. Cost is £87 per room (twin or double) per night with meals extra. Breakfast is £9.50, or meal deal is £23.99 per person

8.      This year’s Trail on the 23rd July is based from The Motor Club and I will be sending out details shortly. The charity this year is Teesside Hospice in Middlesbrough.

9.      The other big event is MG 100 Celebration at Beamish on August 20th in conjunction with the other North East MG clubs. Entry is £10 per MG including 2 people, this is exceptional value when you consider what the normal entry charge is.

10.   Any other business – according to the Club Constitution anyone who has not paid their subs by the AGM is no longer a club member

11.   Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

This year we will be hosting the annual quiz with Northallerton on our club night Thursday 15th June and as John Barton was always quiz master we are looking for a new one. Please can someone volunteer to run the quiz in a similar format as before. There is plenty of time to organise the quiz so please will someone come forward and take the role.

Many Thanks
