TV Trail 2018 (updated 26/4/18)

Its Here!!!! Grab your application while you can. The run will be in aid of Zoes place – see their website. This year rather than tombola /hampers, we ve decided to have a bottle stall at the trail. If you could put a request for bottles to be brought to...

Walworth Castle Run Now 20/5/18

Due to inclement weather the club run to Walworth castle in March had to be cancelled. The Run to Walworth castle will now be 20 May. Meet 10:30 at the motor club then short run for a coffee stop at “Roots” then onto Walworth Castle for Lunch around...

2017 Review

Review of 2017 Another busy year starting off with our traditional fish and chip run in January. Always popular and well attended. February was the month we changed venue to The Motor Club at Coulby Newham. It’s been a really good move. A more suitable venue for us...

Interclub quiz

Yorkshire Dales Classic Car Club interclub quiz night. The time has come to organise our yearly quiz on Wednesday the 1st November. YDCCC plan to commence the quiz at 7,30pm, at their usual venue of Romanby Golf Club, stopping half way for a buffet supper and a raffle...

Dates for your diary 2018

Thursday 15th February Club Night & Quiz Sunday 18th February Breakfast run to Saltholme RSPB meet Motor Club 9am with Mark & Mandy Thursday 15th March Club Night. Table Top Rally with Owen Sunday 18th March Run from the Motor Club at 10am for Sunday Lunch....