Past Events

Here you’ll find all the information about past events.

2016 Review

2016 Review Hardly seems a year since I was writing a review of 2015 Xmas events, how quickly time passes. The first event of 2016 was our traditional Whitby fish and chip run. Always popular and a perfect start to our calendar. This was followed by a run in March to...

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Club Run – Sunday Lunch, Jolly Sailors

We (mostly) all gathered at Birke brow for Johns Sunday lunch run around east Cleveland.  We set off through Hinderwell and Lingdale and down into Skinnigrove.  A small village but what a pearl.  The sea broaching almost to the road and an open view onto a cold grey...

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Hospice and Paintings

After our presentation of the cheque for Teesside Hospice from the money raised on the TV Trail we received this nice letter of thanks. After hearing how much it costs to run the place on a daily basis and seeing the very moving presentation video, we are sure you...

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Swainby 2016

Swainby 2016

  Swainby 2016 Swainby show seems to get bigger every year and it’s always popular with club members so we decided it would be nice to make it one of our club events. We put the gazebo up the day before and arranged parking space with the organizers....

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TV Trail 2016

TV Trail 2016

Nominated Charity Teesside Hospice Howards Café in Stokesley was once again the starting point for the highlight of the Tees Valley MG Owners club events calendar. The weather was glorious and promised to stay that way. Derek and Pat had the raffle under control...

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Eggleston Gardens Run

Ten cars set out on Sundays run to Eggleston Gardens with high hopes of sun shine. The first coffee stop of the day was busy but we had a pleasant break in the garden area. Many thanks to Owen and Pam for the script and Ian and Jackie for leading the run after a trial...

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MG Round Britain trip

Take an old couple and an even older car, stir in 4000 miles of driving and you’ve got an adventure.   Pam & I are taking our 1937 MG TA, Numbum, on a drive round the coast of mainland Britain using roads as close to the coast as possible. We’re even travelling...

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